Welcome to Africa Monologue Challenge 2022. This is your ultimate chance to showcase your acting talent to the global community and a panel of expert judges, all from the safety of your home.


  1. Download the submission form on the page
  2. Record a not more than one (1) minute monologue video in a landscape format on a plain background with clear audio.
  3. All monologues should be recorded in English.
  4. Make sure the lighting is good enough for easy facial recognition.
  5. There should be no sound effect or filters on the video.
  6. Submit your monologue, your completed form and your headshot (image) to [email protected] and copy [email protected].
  7. Wait for the team to get back to you
  8. Follow us on Facebook (Africa Monologue Challenge), Instagram (Africa Monologue), Twitter (@africamonolog) for further updates.